National Lead-Based Paint Services
CONNOR’s National Lead-Based Paint Services; licensed and/or accredited in all fifty states and U.S. Territories; has a magnitude of experience and knowledge in providing lead-based paint testing, consulting and training. Our team is the most knowledgeable and advanced provider of these services
Lead Based Paint Removal & Compliance for Partners in both Public and Private Sectors
Operations are conducted for both the public and private sectors, on a national level. As the industry leader, CONNOR ensures multi-family property owners and managers a full understanding of the environmental concerns surrounding lead-based paint. Further, utilizing the data captured in our proprietary CONNOR Compliance System (CCS), property owners and managers are able to experience completely automated compliance.
Lead-Based Paint Inspections
CONNOR conducts lead paint inspections in accordance with specific protocols, including HUD Multi-family Protocol and Maryland regulations. Our highly trained lead risk assessors have inspected thousands of dwellings for lead-based paint. XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) units are used to assess the presence, location and quantity of lead based paint, providing CONNOR Compliance System field data that is populated into a report detailing paint locations/components, recommendations and cost estimates.